Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing

What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel digital media marketing tactic whose purpose is to reach a specific audience through any mobile device (smartphones, tablets), through email, websites, SMS and MMS, applications, and social networks.

Why is Mobile Marketing important, and how does it work?

When done right, mobile marketing gives customers using mobile devices tailored, time- and location-dependent information to get what they want when they want it, even on the go or on the road.

The following expands a bit more on the importance:

  • The range: most of the users of mobile devices and especially of smartphones, the first thing they check in the morning is their mobile phone, and they keep it handy during the rest of the day.

Likewise, the average time that a user spends using the mobile phone increases daily, currently speaking from 90 to 220 minutes.

This indicates that communication with customers can be established virtually anywhere and at any time.

  • Personal: According to research studies, more than 90% of people who use mobile phones keep them within reach throughout the day. It is a personal device.

When communicating with customers via mobile, a brand is placed in the same category as the user’s family and friends.

  • Instant: Research states that about 90% of text messages received on a mobile phone are read in less than 3 minutes. These messages have an open rate of about 98%. Added to this, text messages have a response rate close to 45%, compared to 6% for email marketing.

Which results in text messages being sent, received, and read instantly:

  • Mobile e-commerce: many customers prefer to make their purchases using their mobile devices. A large percentage of the time spent on the Internet is done through mobile phones. Likewise, a high percentage of searches through mobile phones result in a purchase or a subscription.
  • Profitability: Mobile marketing is very profitable when compared to other marketing strategies. For example, it can be mentioned that advertising on television, cinema, or radio is much more expensive than doing an advertising campaign by text messages or optimized for mobile devices. In the long run, more money will be made.
  • Commitment to the customer: customers will have more confidence in a brand to the extent that they have a good experience with a said brand from a mobile device, and on the opposite side, a high percentage will leave the site or website if it is not optimized for mobile equipment.

Types of Mobile Marketing Strategies.

  • Application-based marketing: uses applications or programs designed for mobile devices where advertisements are published.
  • SMS Marketing: is to get important offers to customers using text messages. There is a large percentage (about 98%) of smartphone users who use SMS.
  • In-game mobile ad – These are displayed in a mobile game when a user has the game open or is playing it directly. It can take any form (a banner ad, video, or full-screen image).
  • QR codes: a user scans the QR code using the mobile camera. This code is translated into a URL and redirects the user to the desired website.
  • Mobile display ads: they are displayed on websites when a user browses on their phone or mobile device. They are similar to the ads you see on other websites powered by Google display ads.
  • Geo-location-based marketing: These are very specific ads triggered when a specific user is geographically located in a specific area, for example, when a person is within a few miles of a local business.

How to Create a Mobile Marketing Strategy?

  • Creating mobile shopper characters to understand the audience is step number one for any marketing tactic.

Those mobile shoppers are a false representation of different types of customers, which will help establish a path and a way to get marketing messages heard. Note should be taken of the habits of mobile devices.

  • Second, you must set goals. Determine your main objectives, your key audience, and come up with a plan.
  • Establish KPIs. Mobile marketing needs to be optimized and tested. Identify which KPIs are realistic and can be measured to define the success of a mobile campaign.
  • Be aware of moving metrics. Mobile behavioral insights indicate how mobile content engages audiences, and conversion data will let you know if some of your key landing pages still need to be optimized for mobile browsing.